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Happy New year everybody!

Dear All, through this way, I want to wish everybody a great 2017 and thank you for all your support over the past year! A year in which music had my focus more than ever. The release of my CD album REVEAL produced by George Konings Sound Vision Studio & mastered by Miles Showell Abbey Road Studios in London. Along with co-writers Mark de Grauw, Caroline Kamp, Gertjan Visser, Vick Gorelikow, Lana Wolf, Ralph Buttner, Jeroen van Riet, Timo Somers & Canadian singer -songwriter Shannon Lyon REVEAL has become an album I'm immensely proud of! Via I-Tunes & Spotify you can listen & buy these songs. To top it all off I can tell you that a dream will come true in 2017! My album REVEAL has been picked up in the UK and will be released on vinyl! In January I will fly back to London for a meeting about these plans! I'm looking forward to start this new adventure and will keep you posted about everything

! Dream it, Wish it, Do it !

Love, Elles

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